You are a proud owner of our new iFlight ProTek25 BNF?

Well guess what, I've made another XING tune.

Last time updated: 2021 July 9th

DISCLAIMER! Please apply my Betaflight diff with care and do a test flight in confined area!

Check your motor temperatures, check the performance and gosh don't fly over water or high trees.

I'm not responsible for your worst case scenario, this is still in testing! But works great for me.

My ProTek25:

- Vista Edition, please consider PIDs won't 100% work for the lighter analog version and probably need to be lowered a bit.

- My Vista installation got an update; I put 4x M2 nylon nuts between AIO FC and only 4x O-rings dampening the Vista and made sure the FC silicon grommets are not squeezed to death.

(The DJI Vista VTX has loads of inertia that has some effect on the FC Gyro obviously; iFlight has therefore also upgraded the installation with the 2nd batch) 

My personal settings:

- JESC v2.3 48K and RPM filtering, everything in the Configurator is default!

(You could use Bluejay or JazzMaverick as well, but I'm pretty confident recommending JESC as I personally experienced less issues and the community is pretty much the same)

- Betaflight 4.2.9 (I use the DJI Warning enabled custom *hex)

Wanna have a look into the project, please checkout Joshua Bardwell's video

or the github link:

Some comments on my diff:

- Last test flight was logged! Checkout my BBL below if you want to compare, it's uploaded.

- My motors are cool and stay cool. Make sure yours too!!!

- There's still some little jitters every now and then but cmon... It's a whoop and we won't ever get rid of that (and wind or other outer influences)

- PIDs are relatively high! If you got some overshoots, pull back the PD gain by a notch!

- I've been flying 850mAh 4S on my last tuning flights, 650mAh 4S should just do as fine (which I mostly use for cinematic shots through tiny places)

- I decreased my throttle (scaled limit) to 75%; I don't need that much power and leave some for the PID controller should I hit my throttle stick really hard. Adapt if necessary! (100% stick act as 75% maximum motor rpm in my case, but Betaflight has access to 100% for flight control)

- All Gyro filters are disabled, just the dynamic notch is still active. (RPM filters are enabled of course)

- ALL dynamic D-Term filtering is disabled; D-term static Lowpass filter at 90Hz BIQUAD does the job better in my case.

- My diff is setup for TBS Crossfire (adapt if you fly DJI)

- Pidsum_limit and *_yaw changed to 1000

My Betaflight 4.2.9 diff below:

(There's PIDs, filter settings, OSD settings (incl. DJI Warning) and much more setup, so consider having a look what you want and what you need or just copy/paste all and get a nice surprise)

# Betaflight / STM32F411 (S411) 4.2.9 Jun 14 2021 / 23:20:52 (e097f4ab7) MSP API: 1.43
# config: manufacturer_id: IFRC, board_name: IFLIGHT_F411_PRO, version: bc19b7dc, date: 2020-04-01T04:37:12Z

# start the command batch
batch start

board_name IFLIGHT_F411_PRO
manufacturer_id IFRC

# resources
resource BEEPER 1 NONE
resource MOTOR 1 B06
resource MOTOR 2 B07
resource MOTOR 3 A00
resource MOTOR 4 B10
resource PINIO 1 B02

# feature
feature RX_SERIAL
feature LED_STRIP

# beacon
beacon RX_LOST
beacon RX_SET

# serial
serial 0 1 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 1 64 115200 57600 0 115200

# led
led 0 0,0::L:0
led 1 1,0::L:0
led 2 2,0::L:0
led 3 3,0::L:0

# aux
aux 0 0 0 1700 2100 0 0
aux 1 1 1 1300 1700 0 0
aux 2 13 3 1700 2100 0 0
aux 3 13 5 1700 2075 0 0
aux 4 35 3 1700 2100 0 0
aux 5 40 5 1700 2100 0 0

# vtxtable
vtxtable bands 6
vtxtable channels 8
vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A CUSTOM  5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725
vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B CUSTOM  5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866
vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E CUSTOM  5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945
vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F CUSTOM  5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880
vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R CUSTOM  5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917
vtxtable band 6 BAND_D   D CUSTOM  5362 5399 5436 5473 5510 5547 5584 5621
vtxtable powerlevels 5
vtxtable powervalues 25 100 200 400 600
vtxtable powerlabels 25 100 200 400 600

# rxfail
rxfail 11 s 1000

# master
set gyro_lowpass_hz = 0
set gyro_lowpass2_hz = 0
set dyn_notch_width_percent = 0
set dyn_notch_q = 250
set dyn_notch_min_hz = 200
set dyn_notch_max_hz = 900
set dyn_lpf_gyro_min_hz = 0
set dyn_lpf_gyro_max_hz = 1000
set acc_calibration = -40,-9,111,1
set mag_hardware = NONE
set baro_hardware = NONE
set rssi_channel = 12
set rc_smoothing_auto_smoothness = 7
set serialrx_provider = CRSF
set blackbox_p_ratio = 64
set dshot_idle_value = 700
set dshot_bidir = ON
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT300
set motor_poles = 12
set align_board_roll = 180
set ibata_scale = 100
set beeper_dshot_beacon_tone = 3
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set small_angle = 180
set yaw_deadband = 5
set thrust_linear = 20
set osd_warn_batt_not_full = OFF
set osd_warn_core_temp = OFF
set osd_warn_dji = ON
set osd_vbat_pos = 455
set osd_rssi_pos = 14832
set osd_link_quality_pos = 481
set osd_rssi_dbm_pos = 345
set osd_tim_1_pos = 295
set osd_flymode_pos = 6642
set osd_throttle_pos = 441
set osd_current_pos = 2503
set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 2500
set osd_craft_name_pos = 2443
set osd_gps_speed_pos = 469
set osd_gps_lon_pos = 35
set osd_gps_lat_pos = 3
set osd_gps_sats_pos = 437
set osd_home_dir_pos = 428
set osd_home_dist_pos = 459
set osd_altitude_pos = 462
set osd_power_pos = 388
set osd_warnings_pos = 2442
set osd_avg_cell_voltage_pos = 14823
set osd_disarmed_pos = 14825
set debug_mode = GYRO_SCALED
set pinio_box = 40,41,42,43
set gyro_1_sensor_align = CW180
set gyro_1_align_yaw = 1800
set gyro_rpm_notch_q = 800

profile 0

# profile 0
set dyn_lpf_dterm_min_hz = 0
set dyn_lpf_dterm_curve_expo = 7
set dterm_lowpass_type = BIQUAD
set dterm_lowpass_hz = 90
set dterm_lowpass2_hz = 0
set vbat_sag_compensation = 100
set feedforward_transition = 40
set iterm_relax_cutoff = 10
set pidsum_limit = 1000
set pidsum_limit_yaw = 1000
set yaw_lowpass_hz = 70
set throttle_boost_cutoff = 10
set p_pitch = 58
set i_pitch = 81
set d_pitch = 37
set f_pitch = 129
set p_roll = 53
set i_roll = 77
set d_roll = 33
set f_roll = 122
set p_yaw = 57
set i_yaw = 81
set f_yaw = 122
set d_min_roll = 0
set d_min_pitch = 0
set ff_spike_limit = 70
set ff_smooth_factor = 20

rateprofile 0

# rateprofile 0
set rates_type = ACTUAL
set roll_rc_rate = 18
set pitch_rc_rate = 18
set yaw_rc_rate = 18
set roll_expo = 54
set pitch_expo = 54
set yaw_expo = 54
set roll_srate = 88
set pitch_srate = 88
set yaw_srate = 88
set throttle_limit_type = SCALE
set throttle_limit_percent = 75

# end the command batch
batch end